Posts in Musings

The Red Cross’s Course Offers

In light of today’s calamitous events, the Red Cross’s First Aid and CPR courses would be great to register for. They’re temporarily free until the end[…]

Something to Ponder, by Dr. Bob Moorehead

By Dr. Bob Moorehead: The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints.[…]

First 2014 Post!

It’s been very quiet here, but 2014 has nonetheless been a roller coaster of events. I’ve learned that The senders of e-mail newsletters may track[…]

How to speak in public

I just served as a sort of spokesman/performer at the local Rotary Club here in Alexandria, LA yesterday, for the Louisiana International Piano Competition. Follow[…]

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